Top 10 Largest Snakes in the World

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Written By LuisWert

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There are about 3,000 species of snakes worldwide. Snakes can be seen on all continents. They come in a variety of sizes, and were thought to have existed on Earth approximately 60 million years ago. The thread snake, which can grow to a length of 3.9 inches and looks like an earthworm, is the smallest snake in the world. The reticulated Python is the largest snake in the world, measuring up to 30 feet. Titanoboa, which is believed to have lived 60 million years ago, is the oldest known snake. It can reach up to 50 feet in length. We’ll be discussing the largest snakes in the world.

Two ways snakes can give birth are by laying eggs or by giving birth to babies just like mammals. Around 70% of snakes conceive young ones and 30% of them lay eggs. Snakes are carnivores, and they eat only meat. Most people believe that snakes kill their prey by biting them and injecting poison into them. However, this is not true for all snake types. The length and weight of the largest living snakes can be measured in either length or weight. Most of these snakes belong to the Boidae, Pythonidae and other families. Here’s a list of the largest snakes in the entire world.

The Biggest Snakes in the World

1.Green Anaconda ( Wieght: 227 kg (500 lb) & Total Length: 8.8 m (29 ft))

The green anaconda, the largest snake in the world, is native to South America. It thrives in swamps and marshes as well as streams. The green anaconda’s size allows them to swim in the water freely, but they are slower on land. They are a beautiful sight. Their eyes and nostrils can be seen on their tops, allowing them to breathe and see. The rest of their body is in the water. The majority of their time was spent inside the water. They hunt by sight, smell and heat. It preys on birds, fish, caimans, wild pigs and capybaras (reptiles that are similar to alligators). The males sought out females during April and May to mate.

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2.Burmese Python (Wieght: 182.8 kg (403 lb) & Total Length: 5.74 m (18.8 ft))

Burmese Python, also known as Asiatic Rock Python or Tiger Python, is one of the largest snakes in the world. This snake species is a subspecies in Python molurus and can be found all over Southeast Asia, including Indonesia and Pakistan. The snake species is a dark brown, with beige blotches and two distinct lines. It loves large food items like pigs or deer. Burmese Python’s average lifespan is 20 years. The longest time they can live in captivity is 28 and 3 months. It is able to thrive in dry forest, mountain, or open grasslands in Southeast Asia.

3.Reticulated Python (Wieght 133.7 kg (295lb) and Total Length 1.5 to 6.5m (4.9 to 21.3 ft).

The reticulated Python can be found in areas along the coast of Southeast Asia including the Philippines and Indonesia. It was once a predator of small mammals, such as rats and antelopes. It has a large, tan-brown body and dark, hourglass-shaped markings. This can aid in camouflaging in natural environments. It is a nocturnal animal that kills its prey by constriction. To slowly choke their prey, it coils around them and tightens their grip.

4.African Rock Python (Wieght up to 113 kg (225 lb) and Total Length up to 7.5m (25 ft).

Non-venomous snakes feed on medium-sized mammals, birds, and bats. The larger python is known to prey on bushbucks, warthogs, and even crocodiles, eating them whole. It is the largest snake species in Africa. It thrives in grasslands, savanna and sometimes in forests in sub-Saharan Africa. It is very dependent on water. It will often submerge itself in the stream banks and wait for its prey. It is usually seen as prey on small rodents or birds.

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5.Indian Python (Wieght: 91 kg (200 lb) & Total Length: 6.4 m (21 ft))

Indian pythons, one of the most massive snakes on the planet, are mostly found in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It can be found in many habitats such as rainforests, rivers valleys, forests, shrublands, grassy marshes and semi-rocky foothills. This species is also a nocturnal, nocturnal snake. It hunts at night using both heat sensors and chemical receptors to identify and pinpoint target animals. The snake preys on small mammals and birds by grasping the animal with its sharp teeth.

6.Amethystine Python (Wieght: 91 kg (200 lb) & Total Length: 8 m (26 ft))

Amethystine (scrub python) is a nonvenomous species and is the largest snake in the world. It is also the largest native snake of Australia and Papua New Guinea. It can be found in Australia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. The nocturnal, solitary creature is found in the regions of Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Young ones enjoy spending most of their time in trees while adults prefer to be on the ground. Carnivores are able to eat small mammals such as birds, bats and rats. Pythons are another type of snake.

7.Yellow Anaconda (Wieght 25 to 35 kg (55 – 77 lb), & Total Length 4.6m (15.1 ft).

The yellow anaconda, a non-venomous species of boa, is most commonly found in southern South America. The largest snake in the world can be seen in a variety of colours, including yellow, greenish-yellow or golden-tan ground colour and black saddles or streaks. They are easier to identify in Bolivia, Paraguay Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil because they are larger than their male counterparts. It is a single-skin snake, just like the Amethystine (scrub), which is active both day and night. The average lifespan of wild species is between 15 and 23 years. This includes a large variety of aquatic and semi-aquatic species including reptiles, birds, amphibians, fish, eggs, and mammals.

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8.Boa Constrictor (Wieght 45 kg (99 lb), & Total Length Possible up to 4.3m).

Boa constrictors are one the most well-known snake species. They can be found in tropical forests and deserts across Mexico, as well as on savannas throughout Argentina. Most Boas belong to the non-venomous Boidae family. It is among the 30% of snake species that gives birth to live babies. They lack ears, but have strong senses that enable them to detect vibrations. It’s most common in tropical regions throughout South and Central America. They hunt at night. About 60 babies are born to mother boas at once.

9.Dark-Spotted Anaconda (Wieght:30 kg (66 lb) & Total Length: 3 m (9.8 ft))

The semi-aquatic South American snakes, the dark-spotted anacondas, are also known as the dark-spotted anacondas. It was given its name in 1924 as a tribute Rodolphe Meyer de Schaensee, a bird curator. This snake species is found in both French Guiana as well as Brazil. The dark-spotted anacondas are similar to the yellow anacondas (Eunectes Notes). However, their basic body colouration is slightly different from the yellow anacondas and it has a greenish tinge despite being mostly brown. It eats fish, birds, and mammals.

10.Cuban boa (Wieght :27 kg (60lb) and Total Length : 4.8m (16ft)

The Cuban boa is a large snake species that also ranks among the top ten largest in the world. They are unable to see well, so they rely on their sense of smell. Carnivores, including snake species, love small mammals and rodents. This endangered species is found in both tropical dry forest and shrub forest. This is the largest snake known to be found on Cuba’s island. It can be seen mostly in holes and rock piles, as well as on cultivated land.